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The City of Columbus is the 14th largest city in the United States and growing. Currently, ten percent of the city’s residents are foreign born and this number is only expected to rise. The leading contributing factor behind population growth in Central Ohio are immigrants and refugees and Columbus is expected to grow by 1 million people by the year 2050.

Welcome! | ¡Bienvenido! | ښه راغلاست! | እንኳን ደህና መጣህ! स्वागत छ! | Soo dhawoow!

From starting businesses and creating jobs, to enriching our culture and bringing new ideas, immigrants are a vital part of our community. By hearing directly from our residents, we can build a more just and inclusive society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Councilmember Lourdes Barroso de Padilla

Previous Research

New Americans Project: Assessing The Human Service Landscape in Central Ohio

The City of Columbus has always strived to be an open, inclusive, and welcoming city to many New American populations from all over the globe. The New Americans Project was commissioned by the Columbus City Council. The Ohio State University College of Social Work was tasked to conduct an in-depth assessment of needs and capacity of the human service landscape—formal, informal, and volunteer services—available in central Ohio for New Americans to bolster the New Americans Initiative led by the City of Columbus.

Upcoming Events

  • Stakeholder Focus Groups
    Stakeholder Focus Groups
    Multiple Dates
    जुलाई १३, बिहि
    २०२३ जुलाई १३, १५:०० – १६:३०
    २०२३ जुलाई १३, १५:०० – १६:३०
    An opportunity for service providers, community and faith-based organizations, and other stakeholders to participate and receive insights from our immigrant, migrant, and refugee community members.
  • Immigrant Heritage Month Conversation
    Immigrant Heritage Month Conversation
    जुन २९, बिहि
    Harmony Project
    २०२३ जुन २९, १७:३० – २०:००
    Harmony Project, 4411 Tamarack Blvd, Columbus, OH 43229, USA
    २०२३ जुन २९, १७:३० – २०:००
    Harmony Project, 4411 Tamarack Blvd, Columbus, OH 43229, USA
    Come celebrate Immigrant Heritage Month and join us for a conversation with Councilmember Lourdes Barroso de Padilla as you share your experiences and ideas on your sense of belonging in Columbus.
  • Stakeholder Focus Groups
    Stakeholder Focus Groups
    जुन २१, बुध
    २०२३ जुन २१, १६:०३ – १६:०८
    २०२३ जुन २१, १६:०३ – १६:०८
    An opportunity for service providers, community and faith-based organizations, and other stakeholders to participate and receive insights from our immigrant, migrant, and refugee community members.
  • Town Hall Meeting #3
    Town Hall Meeting #3
    मे १८, बिहि
    Columbus Metropolitan Library - Karl Rd.
    २०२३ मे १८, १७:०० – १९:००
    Columbus Metropolitan Library - Karl Rd., 5590 Karl Rd, Columbus, OH 43229, USA
    २०२३ मे १८, १७:०० – १९:००
    Columbus Metropolitan Library - Karl Rd., 5590 Karl Rd, Columbus, OH 43229, USA
    Inviting our Immigrant Community Members to Participate in a Research Study! Share your experiences and ideas on your sense of belonging in Columbus through a survey and a focus group discussion.
  • Youth Photovoice Sessions
    Youth Photovoice Sessions
    Multiple Dates
    मे १५, सोम
    OSU Zoom Link Will Be Provided
    २०२३ मे १५, १७:३० – २०२३ मे १६, १९:००
    OSU Zoom Link Will Be Provided
    २०२३ मे १५, १७:३० – २०२३ मे १६, १९:००
    OSU Zoom Link Will Be Provided
    • We are looking for youth between the ages of 15-24 to participate in a research study. • Earn up to a $100 gift card
  • Town Hall Meeting #2
    Town Hall Meeting #2
    मे ०९, मङ्गल
    Olde Orchard Elementary School
    २०२३ मे ०९, १७:३० – २०:००
    Olde Orchard Elementary School, 800 McNaughten Rd, Columbus, OH 43232, USA
    २०२३ मे ०९, १७:३० – २०:००
    Olde Orchard Elementary School, 800 McNaughten Rd, Columbus, OH 43232, USA
    Inviting our Immigrant Community Members to Participate in a Research Study! Share your experiences and ideas on your sense of belonging in Columbus through a survey and a focus group discussion.
  • Town Hall Meeting & World Cafe
    Town Hall Meeting & World Cafe
    मार्च २८, मङ्गल
    Columbus Independence High School
    २०२३ मार्च २८, १७:३० – २०२३ मार्च २९, २०:००
    Columbus Independence High School, 5175 Refugee Rd, Columbus, OH 43232, USA
    २०२३ मार्च २८, १७:३० – २०२३ मार्च २९, २०:००
    Columbus Independence High School, 5175 Refugee Rd, Columbus, OH 43232, USA
    Come share your experiences and your vision for making Columbus even stronger for our immigrant, migrant, and refugee communities!
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